Sunday, March 19, 2006

How to Live Up to Life

Freedom seems to consist simply of the potential to act in accordance with one's judgment. Wielding the will and the strength to take a particular action, however, is a different matter if only because it may involve others, or if not others, then, in any case, its own echo. Hence it is possible to feel free but not act in freedom, in other words to restrain - or be prevented from - the expression of such freedom. Life, although too short, is such a sea of possibilities, one would need to be able to develop judgments and then to some extent withhold the action prescribed or ordained by one's judgment so that one could still maintain a hope that by having struck just the right balance between knowing for certain what must be done and remaining open-minded about what will be done, one will have continued to be both the passionate paranoid-schizoid embodiment of a contradiction, as well as its ultimate resolution, thus making the most of life.


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