Simpler than Nature
"Am I fundamentally black, with a striped white coat, or fundamentally white adorned with stripes of black?", pondered the zebra, feeling close to discovering the answer. It is undisputably up to the individual. The irrelevance of the fact that the to the eye of the unprejudiced beholder, zebras are simply striped animals may be grasped if we can just imagine for a moment that the beholder's view may altogether be biased.
On the Border between "To Be" & "Not to Be"
Such a quiet poem, a poem of ultimate, utter silence, and yet there is the sound of a voice in this language:
Ample make this Bed./
Make this Bed with Awe. /
In it wait till Judgment break, /
Excellent and Fair. /
Be its Mattress straight. /
Be its Pillow round. /
Let no Sunrise' yellow noise, /
Interrupt this Ground. /
-Emily Dickinson-
How to Live Up to Life
Freedom seems to consist simply of the potential to act in accordance with one's judgment. Wielding the will and the strength to take a particular action, however, is a different matter if only because it may involve others, or if not others, then, in any case, its own echo. Hence it is possible to feel free but not act in freedom, in other words to restrain - or be prevented from - the expression of such freedom.
Life, although too short, is such a sea of possibilities, one would need to be able to develop judgments and then to some extent withhold the action prescribed or ordained by one's judgment so that one could still maintain a hope that by having struck just the right balance between knowing for certain what must be done and remaining open-minded about what will be done, one will have continued to be both the passionate paranoid-schizoid embodiment of a contradiction, as well as its ultimate resolution, thus making the most of life.
Everyday Thinking Refined
Albert Einstein saying of, apparently, a colleague:
"Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Time as the space in which 'everything' is displaced.
They That Love Best
He wondered: Was there perhaps a dialectical framework to be rigged up when thinking about any given dialogue, with the literal meaning, the secret that lodges itself in between the lines, and the remote implications forming the three components?
She asked her father if his 'pal' was chubby! He had to reply that he hadn't a clue what she looked like. This was curious. "How come?"
"Simply because we've never actually seen each other, me and my pal. we just speak on the phone, or send each other emails through the computer."
The daughter - 6 years old - assumed a thoughtful aspect while she was digesting the last words in the conversation: "It was her writing in the computer I found beautiful to begin with." She enquired no more, though he could see that out of all the details of the secret that had been laid open for her to ponder, the notion that people could become interested in each other through 'good writing' was the one she found fascinating and which left her with thoughts and ideas...
There was abundant projection of love from him onto each of the two. Each was steadfastly resolved to grow, one upward and out, the other inwardly. He wouldn't exactly abandon all hope, which is not an operation to take on anyway; rather, he played out his despair against hope while waiting for the last call.